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Writing particularly for the searching layperson who wants to explore what the good news is all about, Open Door on John is an easy-to-use and imaginative introduction to study on the gospel of John. Mysterious, enchanting, glorious: John’s Gospel is perhaps the most popular … and perhaps the least understood. The author invites the reader to “come and see”; to push open the door to life in all...

the one who baptizes with both water and the Spirit. He has made available life-giving water to the Samaritan villagers. Now, in this story, the water which is seen as a means of healing is superseded by the healing presence of Jesus. John sets the scene artfully. A poor lame character has kept a pathetic vigil at this spot for thirty-eight years. He has come here daily in the vain hope of effecting a cure by getting into the healing waters at the moment their powers are made effective. Unfortunately,
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